Sunday, February 3, 2019

Priyanka Chopra made an obscene picture

Hollywood's Priyanka Chopra's popularity now fits American TV series 'Quantico' or Hollywood movie "Beawatch" is a Khasa roll.

#Mumbai: Bollywood's popularity Priyanka Chopra's popularity is now at stake. Whether the American TV series 'Quantico' or the Hollywood film 'Beawatch' is a Khasa roll. Priyanka Hot, not only on Bollywood movies, but also Hollywood. So Piggy had dazzled the entire world by stepping on the Oscars stage. Not only that, even after dinner with Barack Obama, he gave himself another amount of Bollywood piggy chops!

Priyanka, who has brightened the face of the country, does not need to speak again. But this is what Piggy did, so everyone was shocked. Even in the face of new controversy, Piggy!

The poem starts with a bhojpuri picture. The name of the movie 'Bombe Bol Rah Raha Hai Chess', and Priyanka Chopra in the face of controversy over this picture.

The debate has surrounded Priyankar's remarks about the picture. Priyanka said in the promotion of the film, 'I want to take my mother tongue in a better place. It is my duty. "Director Nitin N Chandra Priyanka criticized the remarks," Priyanka Padmashree has won the honor. She is a good actress. But the film that he produced is indecent. If Priyanka gives this obscenity, it is harmful to Bhojpuri movie! '

Author: verified_user