Monday, February 4, 2019

school teacher sex worker


The Venezuelan government is providing food to the family members in the financial crisis, and women of the country enter Colombia illegally and get employment. Because there is no passport in them, they are not able to add themselves to any profession, many have named in prostitution. They are forced to do whatever they can to get the family's support in the country.

They were school teachers, police officers or newspaper hawkers in the country.

Patricia (30) mother of three children is a bit bitter She is working in a prostitute in the center of Colombia's Kalamál. Many times there is a victim of bereft, rape and physical persecution in the hands of intoxicated customers.

He said, "There are many customers in the village, who will see you at worst; Which is awesome Every day I pray to the Creator, today's customers are better. '

History and geography teacher Alegria. Because of high inflation, Venezuela earns 3,12,000 Bolivar monthly; Which is less than one dollar. A packet of pasta can not be bought on his salary. The mother of four children, the 26-year-old woman, told these messages to AFP.

In February of this year, he crossed the border to Colombia. For the first three months he worked as a waitress at a hotel in the country. But in return he did not get any wages. He received a few tips.

Aljaria said, I would send the money to these tips to my family in the country. There are six members in his family and his family. But after losing this job, Allzeria was forced to move to Kalamara. In the region of Colombia, armed conflict has continued for decades. Kalamare, also known as one of the areas of drug trafficking, is also home to some of the former guerrillas of FARC.

With the other nine women in Algeria, 3 thousand people in the town of Kalamar are doing a body trade every night. From every customer, 37 thousand to 50 thousand pesos (11 to 16 dollars). But his income earns seven thousand pesos to the bar manager If the fate is good, then, at night, Alzoria earns $ 30 to $ 100.

Jarir has been holding the throat during the talk with AFP. He also left his country like in Algeria, reached Colombia, and took care of his family by doing business in the family. He said, we never want to do body business. We are doing this because of the crisis.

The 35-year-old woman was a hawker in the country. But in 2016 no newspaper was going out in the country. He left the job and came to Colombia. Four years of recession and a few years after the economic disaster, Venezuela still does not meet the basic needs of the people. People in the face of serious disaster are not getting food supplies, necessary medical care.

According to the International Monetary Fund data, the country's inflation has reached 1.44 million percent this year. The inflation rate is expected to reach one crore percent in the coming year, forecasts of the currency fund forecast.

Jolly has left her mother and three children in the country. To stay in the country, he has been in the doorstep of different institutions from one city to another. But, frustrated, he crossed the border without a passport and entered Colombia. When he came to Colombia, he had nothing to do except for his clothes.

The United Nations says that since the beginning of the economic crisis in Venezuela, almost 1 million people have fled the country.

Water story is more painful. Earlier, the husband gave her a divorce. Her husband, who died of a bladder problem, died. She is raising children because her husband is leaving. Jolly said her husband was dead at Heart Ata. She did not get enough medical and medicines during that time.

Jolly said, my back was on the wall. He has not been able to provide cleaner work in the country. Finally, forced to go to Colombia; When he arrived, he started working as a sex worker. Junkie brother's 19-year-old daughter Milagro has named her in this profession in Kalamare in June this year.

This teenager said, at first I was very scared. But he was forced to do this. Because his mother is sick in the country. In addition to mother's treatment, she has to take care of her younger brother and two-year-old child. Later his mother died.

Algerera's dream he will start work as a school teacher in Colombia. But without a passport it is not possible.

Author: verified_user